my life source and sustainer is Jesus Christ

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

listening to poetry

I listen to Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac podcast in the dark of my early morning bedroom most days.  He talks of literary people for a while first then he gets quiet in readiness for the poem.  He puts a deep moat of silence around the poem like a frame on a painting.  Then the poem breathes out of him, each word tasted, given its due, no rushing.  It is sounded for depth, struck like a bell that resonates through my day.  
"Seagulls" 71/2"x 10"

Here is today's pastel.  The pastels are beautiful still in their boxes.  Love Terry Ludwig pastels!
warm greens



Anna M. Branner said...

Beautifully put Carol!

The pastels remind me of the feeling I would get in grade school when I opened my fresh box of crayons. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks! I remember treasuring those 64 boxes of crayons and reading all the names of colors.